Announcement: Publication of Volume XII - EU Energy Law and Policy: a South European Perspective - Meeting the Challenges of a Low Carbon Economy

Metaxas & Associates Law Firm is glad to announce the publication of Volume 7 of the "EU Energy Law and Policy: a South European Prospective series", titled "Meeting the challenges of a Low Carbon Economy", published by Claeys &Casteels.

This book, edited by Professors Leigh Hancher and Antonis Metaxas, provides an insight into some of the most significant issues presented at the Florence School of Regulation and Hellenic Energy Regulation Institute’s joint conference on European energy law and policy, which took place in September 2016 in Athens, Greece. The purpose of the conference was to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current status of the European and Greek energy sector, and the issues it faces, from both a legal and an economic perspective. The discussions included an assessment of the low carbon challenges for Europe, examining the future of renewable energy systems and support mechanisms, electricity market design, and the current regulatory framework of the gas and electricity markets in Greece. Finally, the discussions turned to the future role of Distribution System Operators, both in their function as independent supervisors of the electricity market and in their evolving relationship with the Transmission System Operators.

For further details you can follow the relevant link of the publishers here.

Announcement of Sponsorship / EU – EURASIA – CHINA BUSINESS SUMMIT / Economist

Metaxas & Associates Law Firm is glad to announce its role as sponsor of the forthcoming distinguished EU – EURASIA – CHINA BUSINESS SUMMIT organized by the Economist, which will take place at the Divani Apollon Palace & Thalasso, Kavouri, Athens, on 9th – 10th October, 2017.

Invited speakers are institution leaders and distinguished personalities from around the world, including Mr. Prokopis Pavlopoulos, President of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Sergey Lavrov, minister of foreign affairs, Russian Federation, Mr. George Stathakis, minister of environment and energy, Greece, Mr. Konstantin Goncharov, head, Russian-Greek Council for Co-operation and Investments, member of the board of management, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, general director, Novotrans,  Ms. Natasha Khanjenkova, managing director for central Asia and Russia, EBRD, Mr. Jean-Guy Carrier, executive chairman, Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce (SRCIC), China, Mr. Jemal Inaishvili, honorary chairman of the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce (SRCIC) and Mr. Pavel Oderov, head of department, Gazprom, Russia.

 Prof. Dr. Ant. Metaxas is invited to participate as a Speaker in the Panel “Illuminating the Path to Cooperation in the Energy Sector”.

Business leaders and top personalities from politics and academia will once again brainstorm, openly discuss and put forward new proposals on all the issues that this year’s Business Summit will be covering.

M&A Law Firm's participation in this leading Conference of the Economist is typical for its categorization as a distinguished leading law firm especially in the core fields of its specialization in particular energy, infrastructure, privatizations and legal and regulatory aspects in all network bound sectors of the economy.

You can visit the two-day Summit’s website via this link.

Metaxas & Associates Law Firm looks forward to this exceptional event.