New book publication: “Transformation of EU and Eastern Mediterranean Energy Networks: Legal, Regulatory and Geopolitical Challenges”

A new book related to energy regulation and EU law is being published with the significant contribution of Metaxas & Associates Law Firm. This new publication, has been edited by our Managing Partner, Professor Dr. Antonis Metaxas and Dr. Leigh Hancher, Professor at Tilburg University & Florence School of Regulation. The book is a cooperation of the Hellenic Energy Regulation Institute and the Florence School of Regulation.

The publication is part of the European Energy Studies series, by Claeys & Casteels publishing house. It presents a short, comprehensive framework of the major issues that define the regulatory and political challenges of energy networks in the EU and its links with the Eastern Mediterranean. The book contains an analysis on the key issues shaping the current EU regulation framework, a study on the implementation of European energy policies in Southeastern Europe, a presentation of the geopolitical framework in Eastern Mediterranean, and an assessment on the future transformation of the European energy networks through digitization.

Dr. Antonis Metaxas has contributed also with one chapter in the book on Investment Protection under the Energy Charter Treaty. In this analysis, Prof. Metaxas offers an insight of ECT’s key elements and assesses the weight they bring upon current disputes over state sovereignty and investment protection in energy-related investments. The paper identifies the shift to the parties involved in arbitration from central and eastern to western European states. Furthermore, it showcases a shift on the underlying resource of the disputes, rising primarily from changes to regulatory frameworks related to the expansion and integration of RES in the EU. The analysis also detects a potential clash of the ECT with the EU Treaties over jurisdiction in intra-European Union disputes.

The other five chapters of the book have been written by Prof. Dr. Jochen Mohr from the University of Leipzig, Sofia Michelaki from the Greek National Natural Gas System Operator, Michalis Mathioulakis from the Hellenic Energy Regulation Institute, Dr. Fotini Bellou from the University of Macedonia, Alexia Trokoudi from the Hellenic Petroleum, Marios Andrikopoulos from Elpedison S.A and Georgia Patsaroucha, an Athens lawyer.

For online book orders:

New, distinguished associate joins M&A team

Metaxas & Associates is proud to welcome a new associate in its ranks, Mr. Ioannis Floros.

Mr. Floros is an experienced Athens lawyer, specialized in Commercial and EU Law. Prior to his cooperation with M&A, he has been designated legal consultant of the Greek Minister of Finance for cases of Commercial and EU Law. He holds Masters degrees from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and Université de Montpellier in France.

3rd Athens Conference on European Energy Law


7 December 2018

The Athens Conference on European Energy Law is taking place for the third consecutive year in Athens. This highly prestigious international conference is a joint initiative of the Hellenic Energy Regulation Institute and the Energy Union Law Area of the Florence School of Regulation and is designed to address the latest topics in energy regulation that are significant for Greece and the surrounding region, from both a legal and economic perspective.

The Athens Conference on European Energy Law has acquired a pan-European impact as a leading forum for the exchange of views of academics, practitioners and high ranking officials of European institutional bodies and major energy companies and is being considered as the top meeting point for stakeholders interested in energy regulation, State Aid and energy investments in Greece.

Financing of energy infrastructure & energy networks is the overall theme of the Conference and the central point of discussion in all four of its sessions:

  • Session I  : Sustainable Finance
  • Session II : Privatisation of Energy Infrastructures & Networks
  • Session III: Funding for Gas & Electricity Interconnections
  • Session IV: The Clean Energy Package

Financing and investing in energy infrastructure & energy networks are issues that attract vivid interest by all major stakeholders on a European level as well as in the Greek energy sector, a fact that offers a unique opportunity for highly anticipated presentations in this year’s conference.

 You can see the Conference's Agenda and register for the conference by following the link: Agenda & Registration


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