M & A Law Firm sponsors the forthcoming “2nd EASTMEDITERRANEAN ENERGY LAW FORUM”

Metaxas & Associates Law Firm is glad to announce the upcoming 2nd EASTMEDITERRANEAN ENERGY LAW FORUM that will take place on November 30th, 2018 at the Hotel N.J.V Plaza in Athens.

Mr Stathis Kakounis, Partner at Metaxas & Associates Law Firm  is invited to participate as Speaker in the panel session titled "The changing business environment in the South East Europe towards the “Clean Energy” legal Framework". Mr. Kakounis will hold a speech on “The new regime of Competitive Procedures for RES Auctions”.

For more information click on the following link.

Metaxas & Associates Law Firm looks forward to this exceptional event.


Greek Press focuses on the "3rd Athens Conference on European Energy Law"

The overall theme of finance in the energy sector in this year’s Athens Conference on European Energy Law is the focus of a recent article by energypress.gr. The article emphasizes on the importance of financial issues in the energy sector. Financing of energy infrastructure & networks is the central point of discussion in all four sessions of this year’s conference that takes place in Athens on the 7th of December:

  • Session I  : Sustainable Finance
  • Session II : Privatisation of Energy Infrastructures & Networks
  • Session III: Funding for Gas & Electricity Interconnections
  • Session IV: The Clean Energy Package

Financing and investing in energy infrastructure & energy networks are issues that attract vivid interest by all major stakeholders on a European level as well as in the Greek energy sector, a fact that offers a unique opportunity for highly anticipated presentations in this year’s conference

You can read the full article here.

The 3rd Athens Conference on European Energy Law is sponsored by:

Communication sponsor:

M&A receives award by the Energy Charter Secretariat

Metaxas & Associates Law Firm was recently awarded by the Energy Charter Secretariat for its contribution to the Energy Investment Risk Assessment Report of 2018. M&A had the privilege to be invited as the expert Law Firm for Greece to be a part of the distinguished team of energy experts that prepared the EIRA2018 report.

This prestigious publication assists governments improve investment conditions for foreign investors in the energy sector. M&A’s expert energy practice group has contributed with its extended expertise in the Greek market on issues regarding unpredictable policy change, discrimination between foreign and domestic investors and breach of state obligations.

The EIRA2018 report was officially launched in Brussels, with speakers and representatives of all major international energy institutions and the participation of H.E. Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President for Energy Union - European Commission, Dr Urban Rusnák, Secretary-General - International Energy Charter, Mr. Dominique Ristori, Director-General for Energy - European Commission.

You can read more on the official launch event here: https://energycharter.org/what-we-do/events/energy-investment-risk-assessment-eira-launch/

Participation in the conference “Crisis of the Rule of Law in the European Union”


Professor Metaxas participated as a Keynote Speaker in the prestigious conference “Crisis of the Rule of Law in the European Union” that took place on the 13th of November in Athens under the auspices of H.E. The President of the Hellenic Republic.

The conference addressed the crisis of the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary in the European Union. H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic and several distinguished speakers, national judges and leading academics from Austria, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Greece, discussed about common European values and the challenges for the Union, our common place and destination.

CHANGE OF LOCATION DUE TO LARGE NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS - NEW VENUE (Divani Caravel Hotel): Participation in the conference "Crisis of the Rule of Law in the European Union", under the auspices of H.E. The President of the Hellenic Republic

We would like to invite you to the conference "Crisis of the Rule of Law in the European Union". The prestigious  conference is under the auspices of H.E. The President of the Hellenic Republic and takes place on Tuesday, 13 November at Divani Caravel Hotel, "Makedonia Hall", 2 Vassileos Alexandrou avenue in Athens.


The EU is faced with multiple political, economic and social challenges. Different voices call for a reorientation of the Union towards the acceleration and further deepening of the integration process, the strengthening of the EU’s presence in the world, but also a return to its core values and principles. Democracy, the protection of Human Rights and the Rule of Law belong to them. Lately, the latter is being threatened in several legal orders of the Union. The developments in some member states are fueling debates about how to protect the Rule of Law and other independent institutions. Distinguished speakers from Greece, Germany, Poland, Hungary and Austria shall shed light on the latest developments and share their views and expertise on how to keep our values and principles alive. Please find attached the programme of the event:

Participation in the Economist Southeast Europe Summit, in Berlin

Metaxas & Associates Law Firm sponsors the upcoming Economist Southeast Europe Summit, in Berlin on December 3rd, 2018. The prestigious summit is a co-operation of the Economist Events with the Hellenic-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK), the support of the Federation of German Industries (BDI) and the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK). It will address critical issues for the future of Southeast Europe.

More on the event here: http://www.hazliseconomist.com/en/event/SEE_Germany_Business_Summit/Sponsors_and_supporters

Agenda - 3rd Athens Conference on European Energy Law


7 December 2018

09.00 – 09.15  –  Registration & Welcome Coffee

09.15 – 09.30  –  Opening Remarks

  • Prof. Dr. Antonis Metaxas  | HERI; University of Athens; Metaxas & Associates
  • Prof. Dr. Leigh Hancher      | FSR / RSCAS / EUI; Tilburg University

09.30 – 10.00  –  Keynote Address 

  • Georges Kremlis │ DG ENV, European Commission

10:00 – 11.00  –  Session I – Sustainable Finance


  • John Apsouris / HELPE


  • Lena Sandberg │ Gibson Dunn LLP
  • Prof. Dr. Leigh Hancher      | FSR / RSCAS / EUI; Tilburg University

         Q&A/ Discussion

11.00 – 11.30              Coffee break

11.30 – 12.45  –  Session II – Privatisation of Energy Infrastructures & Networks


  • Prof. Dr. Leigh Hancher      | FSR / RSCAS / EUI; Tilburg University


  • Patrizia Rutigliano │ SNAM
  • Antonis Bouchagiar │ European Commission
  • Marios Andrikopoulos │ ELPEDISON

          Q&A/ Discussion

12.45-13.45              Lunch

13.45 – 14.15  –  Keynote Address

  •   Prof. Dr. Rafael Leal-Arcas │  Queen Mary University

14.15 – 15.30  –  Session III  –  Funding for Gas & Electricity Interconnections


  • Prof. Dr. Antonis Metaxas  | HERI; University of Athens; Metaxas & Associates


  • Nektaria Karakatsani │ RAE
  • Epistimi Oikonomopoulou │ DG ENER, European Commission
  • Sophia Michelaki │ DESFA

         Q&A/ Discussion

15.30-16.00             Coffee break

16.00 – 17.30  –  Session IV  –  The Clean Energy Package


  • Prof. Dr. Asteris Pliakos │ Athens University of Economics and Business


  • Christof Schoser │ European Commission
  • Alexia Trokoudi │ HELPE
  • Argiris Economou │ PPC
  • Samuel Thomas │ Regulatory Assistance Project

 17.30-17.45             Closing remarks

  • Prof. Dr. Leigh Hancher | FSR / RSCAS / EUI