Metaxas & Associates Law Firm in the Press


The successful representation of the Firm’s clients before the Greek Council of State leads to a significant regulatory reorientation of the Greek Electricity Supply Code as regards the substantial issue of client switching.

You may see the relevant link HERE, as published today on Energypress.

New important scientific publication on Energy Arbitration and Judicial Dispute Settlement

A new international publication titled Energy Arbitration and Judicial Dispute Settlement is about to be published soon by Peter Lang Publishing, under the auspices of the Hellenic Energy Regulation Institute and the Institute for Energy und Regulatory Law Berlin.

The book contains the proceedings of the 4th Athens Conference on European Energy Law, which was held in Athens on September 27, 2019. This prestigious international congress on Energy Arbitration and Judicial Dispute Settlement gathered some of the most leading senior judges, practitioners and academics in the field of Energy Regulation and Arbitration in Europe.

The contributions in this book reflect the remarkable width and depth of the subjects dealt with, spanning from the Representative Actions in the energy sector to the landmark Achmea judgment of the CJEU and its far-reaching impact on Energy Arbitration as well as on the dynamic relationship between the notion of autonomy of EU Law and judicial dispute settlement in the field of energy-related investments. Our hope is that this publication substantially contributes to the scientific discussion about the future design of arbitration in the EU and the prospects of legal protection of international investments in the European energy sector.

The present publication is edited by Prof. Dr. Jochen Mohr (Professor of Civil Law, Competition Law, Energy Law, Regulatory Law and Labour Law at the University of Leipzig and Executive Director of the Institute for Energy and Regulatory Law Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Antonis Metaxas (Asst. Professor of EU Law at the University of Athens and Visiting Professor of EU, Competition and Energy Law at TU Berlin and Chairman of the Hellenic Energy Regulation Institute). Authors include leading academics and practitioners in the fields of EU and Energy Law.

Prof. Dr. Antonis Metaxas' participation in the 2nd Renewable & Storage Forum (November 12th 2020)


Prof. Dr. Antonis Metaxas, Managing Partner of Metaxas & Associates Law Firm and Chairman of the Hellenic Energy Regulation Institute, participated as Chair in the second panel of the 2nd Renewable & Storage Forum, hosted by, that took place on November 12th 2020. The discussion, together with Yiannis Yarentis (Chairman & CEO of the Administrator of Renewable Energy Sources Operator & Guarantees of Origin, DAPEEP), George Ioannou (CEO of the Hellenic Energy Exchange, EnExGroup), Anastasios Manos (CEO of the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator, DEDDIE) and Ioannis Margaris (Vice President of Independent Power Transmission Operator, ADMIE), focused on the critical importance of the latest significant challenges in the Greek energy market and the RES sector in the process of "Green" Energy Transition.

M&A Law Firm - Important Update

Metaxas & Associates Law Firm successfully represented electricity consumers before the Hellenic Council of State in the petition to annul regulatory constraints imposed on client switching in Greece.

You may read the whole article , as published today on

M&A’s Legal Update - The New Regulatory Licensing Framework for Renewables in Greece.



Our Law Firm's legal update on the new regulatory licensing framework for renewables in Greece, as published today on, is available .