Publication of a new study on the enforcement of State aid rules and decisions by national courts with the contribution of M&A Law Firm for the DG Competition of the European Commission.


A new study was carried out for the DG Competition by the European University Institute in collaboration with major European legal networks and research centres has just been published. In this significant study, Metaxas & Associates Law Firm had the privilege to be selected as the national expert for Greece and Cyprus.

The Study offers a comprehensive overview of the enforcement of State aid rules by national courts of the 28 Member States, identifying emerging trends and challenges and presenting best practices. It examines national enforcement cases that were decided between 2007 and 2017, including some important rulings decided in 2018. Moreover, it provides insights on the use of cooperation tools by the Commission and national courts.

This elaborate analysis, includes 145 case summaries and 28 country reports in its annexes which are publicly available on the following project website

The objective of the Study was to provide the state of play of State aid enforcement by national courts in the EU. In order to meet the objectives of the Study, the process included the identification and classification by the national experts of the most relevant rulings rendered by national courts on State aid matters, the summarising of the main findings at EU level, the identification of best practices and the use of the cooperation tools by the Commission and the national courts

The Study Team, in cooperation with the national legal experts -such as Metaxas & Associates for the case of Greece and Cyprus- identified and compiled a list of relevant rulings adopted by national courts in the Member States in the Study Period. From the list of relevant rulings, the Study Team and the national legal experts selected a sample of rulings on the basis of their legal relevance and novelty within the respective Member States and at EU level. Subsequently, the national legal experts drafted case summaries of the selected rulings, and created country reports for each Member State, providing general conclusions on the state of play of State aid rules at national level.

The analysis covered both public and private enforcement of State aid rules and included the use of an extended number of statistics, as well as the identification of a number of qualitative trends and a comparison with earlier relevant research. The objective was also to identify a number of best practices in relation to the enforcement of State aid by the national courts of the Member States. A set of indicators was developed in order to assess how a given jurisdiction performs. These included the speed with which cases are likely to be resolved as a result of the practice, the quality of coordination with parallel Commission procedures, the degree to which the remedies provide for adequate compensation and the tools used for judicial dialogue.

Metaxas & Associates was proud to be selected as a legal expert for two member states, Greece and Cyprus, and honoured to provide its expertise in EU Law and State Aid for the development of this elaborate and important study.

You may see and download the full Study here:

You may see and download the Country reports for Greece and Cyprus here: