Modernisation of the Normative Framework of State aid Control – Challenges for the Greek Public Administration

The Conference “Modernisation of the Normative Framework of State aid Control – Challenges for the Greek Public Administration” took place on 13/11/2014, from 09.00 to 16.30, in the auditorium “Giannos Kranidiotis”  1, Akadimias Str. Athens and was organised by the Hellenic State Aid Institute (HSAI) in cooperation with the State Aid Central Unit of the Greek Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Centre of International and European Economic Law (CIEEL) – State Aid Unit.

For further information, click here for the Agenda.

In order to watch the speech of Dr.A.Metaxas, Chairman of the Hellenic State Aid Institute, please click below.


1rst part here

2nd part here

3rd part here