Very positive input on the 4th Athens Conference on European Energy Law and Policy

The Hellenic Energy Regulation Institute would like to thank everybody who participated in the 4th Athens Conference on European Energy Law and Policy and made it a huge success. We would like to deeply thank our distinguished keynote speakers for their inspiring presentations and timely insights. Heartiest congratulations and regards to all the presenters and members of the academia, institutions and courts for all your great scientific input and for many fruitful discussions and scientific interaction. Without your support this conference wouldn’t have proved to be successful and beneficial to this extent.

The Conference’s core initiative is aiming to promote research and academic dialogue on Energy Regulation issues both from a legal and interdisciplinary standpoint, as well as to disseminate knowledge across the spectrum in the energy industry. Several important topics of the Energy Arbitration and Judicial Dispute Settlement in the broader energy market were analyzed extensively by indeed very distinguished speakers.

It is fair to conclude that the Conference was a great success. All those who contributed to the Conference, thank you for all your excellent work and we look forward to seeing you all in the 5th Athens Conference on European Energy Law and Policy in 2020!